It actually turned out to be rather satisfactory. The pub had recently been completely refurbished and actually looked quite presentable. A pool table, games machine and table football were amongst the new social pleasantries.
Oddly the only person working here was a very young barmaid, which, I'd say is rather risky in Kingston.
Upon closing, we watched her roll in a humongous barrel from outside. No idea why, I can't imagine anyone wanting to steal it.
There was some apprehension with some of our party when this place came up onto the list, but it was all based on hearsay and once we entered the pub we were pleasantly surprised. We got served almost immediately as the place was very empty, as most places probably would be at half 7 on a Tuesday evening. The furnishing looked quite new and was very clean yet basic, as if the place had recently had been refurbished. Overall a pleasant chilled out evening was had by all, Ollie and I even sampled their absinthe....again....why does it always have to be an aniseed flavoured alcohol shot......hold on, I think I ordered it this time as well, defiantly remember the barmaid thinking we were a few marbles short of a full set when I asked after it, never mind, onto the next pub!
Drinks Price | Snacks | Alex's Score | Andrew's Score | Oliver's Score |
£9.30 | Yes | 7.0 | 7.7 | 7.3 |

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